I can help clients heal their money story because I have had to work on mine in so many ways. November 2023 has given us another opportunity to look at this dynamic with its focus on the colours red and
Take a moment…
What do you see when you look at this picture? What I notice is the winter palette. There’s very little colour. What stands out for me is the stillness of the coot which I nearly missed as I walked by earlier
What does living consciously look like?
Drink in this image as the reflection of the light on the water reminds us that the extraordinary can be found in the ordinary. Let me explain further… Over the last couple of weeks I have been diving into a
My take on new year ….
I was in the car when I heard the phrase Twixtmas referring to that period of time between Christmas and New Year that some feel is like limbo land because it’s almost is if we are waiting. At the time it
How do you feel about Turquoise and Blue?
My family could only afford to get me the box of eight Crayola crayons, but I craved the one with all 24 colours. I wanted magenta and turquoise and silver and gold Joni Mitchell Don’t these colours look inviting? I remember as
What’s your relationship like with fire?
Today I want to focus on the Fire element for a number of reasons. It is resonant with the current full steam ahead energy that has been prevalent of late. Also in the last couple of weeks I have been noticing
How do you move from survival mode to Being mode?
How many interactions have you witnessed – be those your own; exchanges on social media; or conversations between people – where the unspoken message was love me, love me? Take a moment to consider this question by reflecting on your experiences over
What does it mean to live in an interdependent world
What does fear of the world, the situation in the Ukraine and interdependence have in common? The next buddha will be a sangha: a matrix of human beings united in a common story of the self. Aligned with these defining
How abundant do you feel?
What do you think of Mothers’ Day? I actually find it a challenging time not because of the blatant commercialism rather it’s due to the fact that my mother is not my best friend. We had a very challenging relationship
Is overcoming challenges what gives life meaning?
You know that if life is running smoothly then you can feel in flow and yet in a nano second all that can change and you can feel overwhelmed by what lies in front of you. One of the traps