Tolstoy once said If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of
Where’s your equilibrium?
This week I felt exhausted to the point my eyes were heavy and quite sore. Generally I don’t drink alcohol during the week but earlier this week Andy and I had a glass of wine with dinner and it definitely
Have you ever felt truly seen?
If you look at most photos of couples being intimate with one another whether it’s heterosexual or same sex couples, there’s one thing they have in common. Do you know what it is? As they go in for that deeper
How do you stop exam nerves becoming exam anxiety?
At some point I bet you felt that sense of fear that comes from having to sit an exam at school or university. That’s normal but for some it goes so much deeper than that. I was a grade A
Understanding the power and control dynamics at play in relationships
In a conversation that I was having recently with one of my uncles the topic of parenting came up. It feels relevant to share it with you here because it illustrates a dilemma that all leaders face be that in
What is the secret ingredient in business success?
In this article Kate Griffiths talks about what it takes to be at the top of your game in business and why it is so easy to get out of kilter. You know that grey feeling that you get when