The building blocks
This eight week course is for you if you work with colour and are ready to take that to the next level. It is also suitable for you if your interest in colour is recent and you are curious to discover more. Find out what lies behind Colour Mirrors (CM) by diving into the eight spiritual principles that are the backbone to the system. The original set of principles were designed by Melissie Jolly the founder of the CM system. What is different about this course is that it includes the eight spiritual business principles that are in the book I co-authored Colourful Boardrooms, to give you double the impact.
The three key benefits that you will gain from studying this course include:
Clarity and confidence in your inner compass
When you hit one of those proverbial bumps in the road, after completing this course you will have a framework that will allow you to see what’s really going on. It will give you a roadmap that will allow you to navigate the vicissitudes of life more smoothly so you can take the very next step. You do have your own GPS although sometimes you need reminding of how to connect back into it.
The current emphasis in education is on the accumulation of knowledge and developing the mind whereas the truth is that the mind’s the servant and your intuition is the gift. When you get bogged down in the details of life you forget to play. Colour allows you to unleash your natural creativity.
Spiritual hygiene is as vital as physical and emotional fitness. You may be well versed in the key spiritual truths and have a high level of self awareness and consciousness. However evolved you are, wherever you are on the path, it is still easy to slip off the ridge. One of the ways to stay on the straight and narrow is through developing a regular spiritual practice. Cleaning your chakras so that your energy and vibration remain pure is a key element of living in alignment.
Dates for the course are
All classes will start at 2pm (GMT) and last 60 minutes:
Class 1 – Friday 10 Sep
Class 2 – Friday 24 Sep
Class 3 – Friday 8 Oct
Class 4 – Friday 22 Oct
Class 5 – Friday 05 Nov
Class 6 – Friday 19 Nov
Class 7 – Friday 03 Dec
Class 8 – Friday 17 Dec
They are being run every fortnight to allow plenty of space to integrate each principle as this work tends to go very deep. And you need space and time to allow you to embody the learnings.
What to expect?
The best way to get a feel for my group programmes is to read about a previous participant’s experience:
To start with I wasn’t sure how helpful it would be. I felt questions coming up like: Is this going to be for me? and Am I sure about colour yet? I was also a bit scared and wondered what it would bring up. My apprehension was around did I want to go down this path or would it be too deep and involved. I noticed my head coming up with a list of issues:
– Is this too much commitment?
– How approachable is Kate?
– Can I talk to Kate if there’s a problem?
– Do I want to do the work?
– Money was a factor – as it felt like a lot of money for the course. I considered what else I would use the money for and had the Is it worth it? question going around in my head.
Overall it was incredibly positive on so many levels. It helped me personally and helped me deal with people around me better so it had a ripple effect.
I was concerned beforehand about the vulnerability of being in a group and was not sure that I could deal with it, especially with people I did not know. Kate facilitated it so well that I felt held and safe. I actually really enjoyed being part of a group.
The people in the group were all so different and that made it brilliant because I realised we were able to help each other by listening and understanding and appreciating each other’s point of view.
Three key benefits
There isn’t just one thing because it has had so many knock on effects in terms of how I perceive myself.
1. I lost my sense of self as I got so into doing rather than being. The Coral Journey made me give myself time to reflect and consider what I was actually doing in life. Where’s me in all this doingness? I was able to recalibrate myself. So often in life I have wandered along a path taking it because it was the clearest path that most people take. This course helped me see all the possible paths. I took a new path that looked pretty and wandered down it. Life became more of an adventure.
2. I had a really startling revelation – it’s time to wake up and be me rather than be what others thing I should be. More than that it’s not just doing something different but doing the same thing you can approach it differently. Can’t always change what you do but you can alter how you see it and how you approach it. Then you can get something out of it.This is how I would define Alchemy.
3. There was a gentleness to the whole process. I felt I received a gentle nudge that helped me create the space to explore. And doing the course over time allowed me space to reflect and so gain the insights. Kate enabled me to process over time and find out the answer for myself.
Unexpected bonus
I have done several of Kate’s meditation series and enjoyed them and yet these more bespoke meditations were especially helpful and useful. It was all new to me when I started working with Kate about a year ago. These felt so accessible and beneficial. And in the smaller group I felt I could really open up with ease.
I expect it helped that other people were doing it and you could talk about it if you wanted to. I loved being able to witness others’ meditative experiences. I felt safer less vulnerable and more held because I began to know the participants better. Kate created a strong container so it felt we were all in it together. Having break out groups really helped.
Finally without any hesitation I would recommendation Kate’s group programmes to anyone.
Sarah Geeson, primary school teacher
What’s the investment?
£560 – that includes the course, postage in the UK and the 8 Chakra bottles. There is also the option to pay for the course over two months if that is easier. If you want the mini chakra set which is recommended for on going use after the course has ended that costs an additional £46. If you want one spritzer to work with through the course I would recommend Archangel Raphael or Metatron, both of which cost £39. If you are a member of Conscious Conversations the course will only cost you £500 and that includes a spritzer to work with or the mini chakra set.
To check what this is in your currency, click here.
If you are a coach or therapist this is classed as continued professional development so it’ll likely be a deductible business expense – check with your accountant.
What types of people join your group programmes?
Those attracted to my classes have realised that there is life “beyond the matrix” and want to build their spiritual muscles understanding that raising one’s consciousness is the key to unlocking life.
There are eight bottles to work with which seems a lot; will I experience overwhelm ?
You can take the journey at your own pace. We only work with one bottle at a time and to create more spaciousness classes are going to be held every fortnight on this course to give more time to absorb the learning from each session.
What if I can’t make all the dates?
Don’t worry the teaching from every session can be recorded and if you miss part or the whole of a session then you will be able to access the recording. At the beginning of the course I will encourage people to buddy up, so you can also grab further insights that way.
Who are you and why should I trust you?
I’m Kate Griffiths, who qualified as a Co-Active Coach in 2008 and then in 2015 went on to become an ORSC (Organisation and Relationship Systems Coach) systems worker. I have worked with hundreds of people in a mix of individual one to one coaching and workshop formats.
I became a Colour Practitioner in 2014 and then went on to become a Colour Teacher in 2016, training with the founder of the Colour Mirrors System, Melissie Jolly in South Africa. I co-authored Colourful Boardrooms, published in 2017, based on my work with CEOs and their teams using colour in organisations.
My gift is kindness coupled with fierce love. This allows the softening of my heart so when I need to call out the inconsistencies that I witness, I do so with love and compassion, rather than coming from the anger of the wounded self. I choose to bring healing wielding my sword with laser precision and humbly acknowledge that I am a work in progress.
Will I be able to integrate colour into my practice at the end of this course?
You can start using colour as a tool for your own personal development at any time. You can also use the essences to enhance your own meditations and those you run for others. However you cannot call yourself a Colour Practitioner unless you complete the formal training to become one.
How do I sign up?
It’s easy to sign up. If you are ready to pay for the course in full, click the PayPal button below and make the payment. This will secure your place on the course. You will then receive email confirmation and everything you need to start getting ready for the journey ahead.
If you would rather pay for it in two instalments then get in touch and I will arrange that. My email address is kate@wholeselfleadership.com or mobile is +44 7801 497828.
If you have any questions or comments please complete this form:
I have known Kate for several years and enjoyed working with her 1:! and using the CM spritzers and colour bottles. I have attended many of her meditation sessions and series. Several times in the past I have been tempted to do one of her colour group programmes but have been restricted by either time, money and sometimes it just “didn’t feel quite right”. However I felt with the Coral journey everything aligned to call me. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I knew that I always got a lot out of Kate’s work.
I loved the weekly sessions and looked forward to meeting with the group. We all clicked and there was an amazing energy between us. It was a relaxed, informal session and not having attended this format before I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, it all flowed very naturally.
I loved doing this online from home and having time to reflect with the bottles at home. Meeting likewise fellow spiritual people was a delight and unexpected bonus.
I love working with colour with Kate: sometimes it challenges me; usually it stretches me; always it helps me reflect and learn more about my self. I would recommend one of Kate’s group programmes to anyone who loves colour mirrors and is on a spiritual path.
Abby, Reiki Master and Mum to two teens