A two day non-residential retreat: 18 -19 May
Space within Studio
We are in an eight year which energetically offers the potential of love, money and creativity; along with abundance and power. To access this fully we need to be in right relationship with abundance. Abundance has its own rhythm as represented by the infinity symbol (an 8 on its side). It has a flow that is both giving and receiving. This means living in harmony with life and dancing with whatever shows up. To what extent do you feel you are living in an abundant flow with life?
We have designed a two day retreat to give you a somatic experience of the different patterns that show up for you; and start to move any stuckness you are holding consciously or unconsciously.
We invite you to come, slow down and tune in so you remember and reconnect to your own rhythm around abundance. After all abundance is your birth right. We will be bringing through ancient wisdom from the Shamanic tradition; alongside energy work; colour; breathwork and somatic practices.
Take the next step to more abundance by joining us for an intimate gathering of up to 8 participants.
One of our core values is inclusion. A “one price for all” structure does not enable full participation. Those who don’t have a lot of money either can’t join, or the price is set so low that the programme is not financially viable.
We offer a flexible pricing model. Look at the range given below, find a contribution that works for you, in line both with what you can afford whilst recognising what we are bringing you:
Generosity rate: £380
Sustainability rate: £330
Access rate: £280
We are serious about welcoming everyone so contact us if none of these rates work for you and let’s have a chat.
Retreat fees include lunch and refreshments on both days. Please note this is a non-residential retreat. For accommodation options check out the Embankment Hotel and The White Hart.
What is somatic experiencing?
Somatic Experiencing is like learning to listen to your body’s stories. To find out more read the full article on Amel’s website, below is a quote from it:
By paying close attention to the physical sensations in your body – like your heartbeat, the way you breathe, or even a feeling of tightness or warmth in certain areas – you can help your body move past those stuck points. It’s a bit like helping your body realize that the scary event is over, and it’s safe now. This process doesn’t involve talking about the event in detail, so it feels safer and more comfortable.
Amel Murphy, Founder Embodied beings
What is colour?
Colour is a form of somatic experiencing with added layers to the felt sense as you work with colour bottles and essences that bring in the visual, kinaesthetic and olfactory aspects. Emotions are merely trapped energy within the body and working with colour can help you to release them.
Colour helps you to see beyond the story you are telling yourself and connect to a deeper level of truth. It can reconnect you to your inner magical child who is longing to play and have more fun. It enables you to trust your body and reach that mystical, other worldly place where using your imagination you can dream your world into being.
Kate griffiths, Colour teacher of teachers
Who are we?
We are practising abundance too by working collaboratively and sharing the space to create a somatic smorgasbord. It is wonderful as it creates different ways into accessing the felt sense in your body . The space is being held by Kate and Amel. We will be joined by two colleagues who will be providing the yoga and the conscious breathwork. You are in for a treat as Jane Wolkenstein, a Leiths’ trained chef, is preparing all the food.

Kate is a qualified colour teacher and organisational systems coach who runs an international colour therapy practice based on the principles she developed when she co-wrote and published Colourful Boardrooms. She helps clients stop & connect to the deeper essence of life. She provides a safe space where it is possible to unravel the wounds amidst which the soul hides waiting to be revealed. Others have described her work as both subtle and powerful as she comes from a place of love with a desire to recalibrate the masculine and the feminine.

Amel Murphy has over 20 years of experience in guiding individuals, as well as global organisations, to transform themselves or businesses by unleashing and revealing their people’s potential. She has also completed various training programs in narrative therapy, somatic experiencing, Adler coaching, and mindfulness-based stress reduction. Amel has also been leading women’s retreats and healing circles for the past 15 years.

I’m Lana Power, I am a neuroscientist, breathworker and educator based in London, England. My mission is integrating modern neuroscience research and ancient practices for the resurrection of enchantment and aliveness in the human blueprint.

Jane is a yoga teacher, life coach and trained chef. Jane embraces the philosophy that life is an inside out job and encourages and supports others on their journey of transformation.
What will I get from doing this retreat?
These are the main take aways:
- Whilst patterns give life texture, your mind craves what is beyond pattern, no-thing: colour can give you a glimpse of this
- Deep knowing of give and take in different areas of your life as experienced in your body
- Learning to apply breath and movement to shift your relationship with your stuckness.
- Trusting your inner wild wisdom through honing your intuitive intelligence
How do I sign up?
If said yes to joining us and want to pay any of the three price points given above then click on the PayPal link below and make a payment.
If you are want to make a different offer then please contact Kate on kate@wholeselfleadership.com to discuss what you wish to pay for this weekend of delights.