In this article Kate Griffiths explains that life unfolds magically as your embrace your hidden wholeness. That comes when you have a quiet mind and an open heart and she explains how you can do that by drawing on her
What’s love got to do with it?
In this article Kate Griffiths explores what love has got to do with business and how it is transforming the way wisdompreneurs are doing business including the results that they get. I was listening to an audio recently of a
How setting intentions leads to flow in business
In this article Kate Griffiths explains why intentions are so much more powerful than goals and how you can make the magic work for you. At the beginning of every year and let’s face it we have only just started
How polite rituals can stifle conversation
In today’s article, Kate Griffiths explores some of the elements that build barriers to deep connection in conversation and why that is. She also shows how you can turn this around and get so much gold. I was at