I used to be very impatient rushing at things or charging headlong like the Taurean bull that I am and even now I experience that at times. Afterwards I would wonder why everything lay in ruins around me. According to Richard Rudd, founder of the Gene Keys,
What does it take to be a true leader?
Yellow is the colour of the innate leader and yet here’s what I have discovered those that call themselves leaders are still working from the shadow side, which is arrogance. I have tended to say that we are co-creators of our destiny
Knowing yourself intimately is the best way to attract new clients
Earlier this week I found myself on a website for a global conference which had over 100 speakers in at least 10 different specialisms. I thought to myself which channel would I be in. There was one for executive coaching; there was another
Expanded awareness comes when you see fear for what it is
One of the ways people control their fears is by keeping busy. It’s a way to block out the pain and confusion but you can end up in overwhelm if you persist with such a strategy. And you never experience
Understanding the power and control dynamics at play in relationships
In a conversation that I was having recently with one of my uncles the topic of parenting came up. It feels relevant to share it with you here because it illustrates a dilemma that all leaders face be that in
What’s stopping you from getting your message out there?
When I started my business over 7 years ago, a marketing coach who I followed at the time told me I needed to be more visible. And at that point with very little confidence, her suggestion filled me with dread.