Recently I finished running a Coral journey with a wonderful group of women and I have learnt so much. More than any other colour, Coral asks you to embody all that you are like Kintsugi the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold. It’s about owning every part of yourself. Let me share a personal example of what I mean.
I am a very sensitive person and now that I accept that more and more, it has allowed me to show up in that way in my work. Recently a wonderful psychotherapist I know wrote to me saying your gentle feedback was so helpful… said with care which has felt healing for a shamed part of me.
What is clear to me now is that Unity will only come when we feel safe enough to reveal our whole selves in the company of others. That requires gentleness and a tenderness because the fractured self is easily startled like a deer.
If you feel like you could use some of that in your life right now, I invite you to join my community Conscious Conversations. Together we meet monthly to meditate and in September I will also be starting up a book group.
This has come about for many reasons but in part because I am grateful for all those people that have been there for me when I was feeling fragile. And here’s the truth: connection is what we all desire. Digitally we are connected more than ever before and yet the truth is that we are starved of intimacy and often times are scared of allowing real intimacy to show up in our lives. Unity comes when you realise your humanity is what defines you. Find out more by watching my video where I reflect further on this.