2014-09-06 16.27.53In this article Kate Griffiths talks about what it takes to be at the top of your game in business and why it is so easy to get out of kilter.

You know that grey feeling that you get when you have overdone it….where you feel you have little energy to deal with anything?  It’s funny how children seem to sense when you are in that place and start playing up.  If you stay there too long then you are heading for burnout because no one can sustain that relentless pace.  It is important to stop and build in some me time.  If you don’t you are likely to end up under performing at work and if you maintain the pressure so much of life becomes joyless.

I can describe this so well because I have experienced it.  It is a common dilemma for solopreneurs.  You are your business.  There are always things that need your attention.  I generally keep weekends as my time to relax and recharge with my growing family.  However the other week I ended up spending the whole weekend working.  I needed to get copy done for my new joint venture.  With various calls and writing that took up one day; and then on the Sunday I was running my first colour party.  It was all exciting stuff and yet it took its toll.

It was rather a surprise in a way as it rarely happens these days because I am usually very disciplined about scheduling regular “me” time.  I make sure that I get plenty of time alone because then when I am facilitating to large groups I can find limitless amounts of energy and enthusiasm.  This is usually quite easy for me to do because I am clear that what I value above all else is inner peace.  Mike George describes it as

Authentic peace is a state of being, which shapes a state of mind, which generates positive and focused thinking, which are expressed as proactive attitudes and behaviours.

Peace leads to the end of emotional upset and when you find emotional freedom you will cease to be distracted by the outside world.  Then it is easier to access your intuition and using your third eye you can start to see the truth in any situation.  Peace leads to personal and collective harmony.  One of the ways that I get there is through the use of the following affirmation I am peace.  It sounds simple and yet many people are waging war in their heads thanks to the power of their negative self talk.

There are different ways you can step into peace.  Just being  mindful of what images/ television you watch can help.  Using a photo like the one in this article may help you step into peace…..remember peace is only ever a thought away and what you focus on grows.  Mike George goes even further and argues that your life has no value unless you can find peace within yourself.  Put it another way, peace is the foundation of a happy fulfilled life.

If you want to take active steps towards cultivating a greater sense of inner peace then book into my mindfulness weekend course at the end of November in Hitchin.  I would love to share with you the tools that I have learnt to get more of this in my life.

Kate Griffiths works  with individuals and business owners to create more ease and flow in their lives.  Clients include conscious business owners and leaders who recognise that the old paradigm way of doing things does not work and want support in determining  what the new ways of doing business look like.  She is passionate about creating conversations that lead to change and has developed her own process to do that called connection through conversation.  If you would like to learn how to use mindfulness for yourself then do check out Kate’s two day mindfulness course  at the end of November.

What is the secret ingredient in business success?
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