Yesterday I was out on a walk and I noticed that a neighbour was already taking down their Christmas decorations even though it is only 2 Jan. For him the festivities are over and it’s back to reality and I sensed he felt quite flat. I love this time of year because there are still a few days before the busyness of a new term kicks in, allowing space for each of us to get clear on what we want to create for the coming year. So if you want to get a taste of what’s in store for you and some ideas on how to create a fantastic year read on.
Colour is very closely aligned to numerology so when we look at the highest frequencies of the year, we get the G19 bottle featured here. What image or phrase comes to you when y
ou look at these colours? Platinum resonates at a very high frequency and what I sense it is saying to us that we too can have the bliss it promises if we take time to be rather than do and allow ourselves to tune into the sound of creation. This only happens when we really slow down something I always make time for in that space between Christmas and New Year. It is often at that point I get a sense of the shape the next year will take for me. Consider what regular practices do you have that allow you to tune into yourself? Remember any new practice needs to be easily added into your schedule so that you will be able to maintain it.
Walking meditation is something I practise and I became rather addicted to this form of exercise last year when I agreed to enter an ultra marathon in July. It provided the discipline I needed to train in all weathers. This year I have taken a different approach by signing up for the #walk1000miles challenge. I have just purchased the Country Walking magazine, available in any large supermarket, so I have my chart to plot how many miles I walk each day. There is also a facebook group you can join and a pledge you can take. Find out more here. This is very easy for me because a year ago I made a decision that I would be fab at 50 and that meant I had to get fit and stay fit. In choosing your focus, spend time getting clear about what is important to you because if there’s emotional commitment, an intention is much easier to keep.
This is hardwired into me because I heard a resilience expert speak eight years ago when I was running a leadership development programme for PwC. He maintained that the three most important elements to building resilience are getting 8 hours sleep a night; eating well and regular exercise. With a healthy body you are a step closer to having a healthy mind. So many of my clients that are really struggling have turned to comfort eating as a way to dull the pain.
Just as your cooker gets dirty so you can become despondent when you place no attention on who you are becoming. Just as over time silver becomes tarnished if it is not polished, so your natural brightness will dim if not attended to. You may distract yourself by watching too much mindless TV. To help you reset, I am setting up a consciousness experiment. It will start with a one day workshop on 11 or 18 Jan and continue with virtual monthly top ups of an hour. If you are interested in getting involved do get in touch as there are a few more places available.
In summary whatever steps you take to create a great year for yourself, know that the key to getting the most out of 2019 is to build your self love and compassion muscle so you can then extend that to your nearest and dearest.