This week I felt exhausted to the point my eyes were heavy and quite sore. Generally I don’t drink alcohol during the week but earlier this week Andy and I had a glass of wine with dinner and it definitely affected my sleep pattern. On top of which the much needed holiday we thought we were having is disappearing fast over the horizon due to the resurgence of Covid-19 and the impact that’s having on the travel insurance market. All that’s enough to exhaust anyone!
What does the 5D view look like?
That is one explanation for what’s happening and why it is occurring and it is what I would call the 3D one. What’s happening at the fifth dimensional level of reality? This week we had the equinox on 22 Sep. It is a time when the veils between earth and oneness are at their thinnest. It can be a time of great transition for you. What did you notice?
We also take our cue from the seasons. Here in the Northern Hemisphere it can be a time of letting go just as the leaves on the trees change colour readying themselves for death; and the whole of nature prepares itself for the cold embrace of winter. For me I realised it was time to say goodbye to a community I have been a part of. I love all that it has to offer but I realised that I had come to the end of the road in terms of the value that I was getting. And more importantly that we only have a finite amount of energy.
What does this mean for you?
Take you time and explore the following three questions:
- Where are you investing your energy at the moment?
- How much is it filling you up?
- What is it time to let go of to allow space for something new to appear?
Of course if you are in the Southern Hemisphere you will be moving into Spring which is a time when new buds and new beginnings are emerging. If that’s the case what can you sense coming into your life right now?
It can be an exciting time. Although those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are slowing down, it is also possible that you will find yourself with a bit of both energies. Interestingly over the last couple of months I have been part of a new group that has been forming slowly. This week it became clear what its purpose is and who is being called to be part of it. We had to take the difficult decision to let some people go to contain the energy as it’s holy work.
What was fascinating were the different responses I got when I wrote to each of these people individually. Some responses showed a real spiritual maturity and were full of grace and understanding. On a level they recognised that their soul had already chosen not to be part of the group and were full of acceptance around the decision. Others were less at ease with it and quite angry about the decision. Think about the times when you have hung on rather than moved on. The way the whole situation played out was a perfect example of how we attract what we put out in the world.
Another explanation for energy fluctuations
I often find that I am low on energy when I have received a lot of info from the spiritual plane. It is wonderful to connect at levels beyond the material plane of third dimensional reality but it can be exhausting. For me this is because I can feel the energy surging through me. I feel a sense of lightness and then can find myself overdoing it with online activities and marketing for programmes and courses in the physical world.
All that amazing energy gets dissipated and I find that I am exhausted. What’s important in these moments is to not judge it but to be gentle with yourself. You need this time to process and adjust that is all. And as you become aware of your own patterns then you can choose how to be next time.
What helps
- I learn to do less in those moments and to value “unproductive time” by renaming it space for renewal.
- I make myself a hot chocolate which feels quite a luxury. I love mine with rice milk
- I go on long walks so that I can enjoy nature and get away from my computer and being seated
- I make sure that I do my set of five exercises which are designed to give you energy as well as keep you fit and healthy
- I spend more time in meditation so one day this week I took part in three different types of meditation including an hour long deep heart check in!
Why meditate?
The reason it is such a vital part of living is that it helps build awareness of your own subconscious patterns. These can be subtle and what was a strength can become an impediment. For example it can be great to be conscientious and work hard. And if you drive yourself too hard, you can overdo it and before you know it all the joy is gone and you have become a workaholic. Time in silence can give you the spaciousness to contemplate your life and see if it’s going in a direction that works for you.
How to embed a regular practice
I realise too that these types of activities can be difficult to prioritise when you have a business to run and a lot going on. So I will be offering 10 30 min tune ups starting next Weds at 8pm BST (3pm EST, noon PST) and invite you to join me. The energy that comes from being part of a group can be very powerful. Check out eventbrite for more info on how stillness can be the access point to your essence.