One of the things that I love about holidays is that it’s my time to read fiction. Last week in Tuscany I read two and half books and really indulged my love of fantasy and I feel more alive as
Where are you putting your attention?
The power of our attention – really the level of our energy – defines our capacity for connection to self, others and the Infinite ~ Kate Griffiths Yesterday I found out that two family members have been seriously ill with
Why are you getting triggered?
There’s been a lot of talk about what’s going on and how triggered people feel. Many of my clients have found it incredibly challenging. A standard response can be well it’s Christmas what do you expect? There’s so much to do etc.
Where’s your equilibrium?
This week I felt exhausted to the point my eyes were heavy and quite sore. Generally I don’t drink alcohol during the week but earlier this week Andy and I had a glass of wine with dinner and it definitely
Why are collaborations not always the answer?
Last November one of my dearest friends returned to the UK almost unexpectedly. At the time it was such a gift balancing the changing nature of another very important relationship to me that year. And very early on she spoke
Let’s talk money
In many cultures talking about money is taboo and yet we are being asked to examine our relationship with the green stuff right now. Let me start by sharing some patterns that I have become aware of. Money patterns in
Effective ways to deal with negative self-talk
In this article, Kate Griffiths explores how easy it is to get trapped into a negative mindset. This is what prevents business owners from moving forward with life. She also suggests four ways to deal more effectively with the vicissitudes
If you want more sparkle, spring clean your mind
In this article Kate Griffiths explores why doing nothing can lead to a greater sense of well being. She argues that there are three things you can focus on that will enable you to have more spring in your step