For the last month I have been receiving intuitive nudges to re-examine my relationship with money. I did a colour and astrology reading with a colleague when I was out in Tuscany and I found myself picking up the bottle in the
Why are collaborations not always the answer?
Last November one of my dearest friends returned to the UK almost unexpectedly. At the time it was such a gift balancing the changing nature of another very important relationship to me that year. And very early on she spoke
Earth wisdom: the colours of a skilled and sensitive communicator
Going through a client’s colour DNA blueprint enables me to see where their blocks are. Josia Nakash invited me to share her colour DNA blueprint with you so that you could get a sense of the power of this work.
What’s your story? Is it about surviving or thriving?
In this article, Kate Griffiths explores how stories shape the world we live in; how some of them are ones that we consciously weave and others are much less conscious. To some extent it depends on what you choose to believe.
Size is not everything in business
So many solopreneurs dream of having flourishing business where they are earning enough to employ one or more people, perhaps that describes you. In this article Kate Griffiths explores the dangers that can come as your business grows and explodes
What is the key to owning a flourishing business?
This article outlines the main reasons why Barefoot Therapies is a flourishing business. I am sharing this story and the key elements not because Anna is one of my clients but as an example to emulate. In my article which
Is paying it forward a way to live life or just once a year?
Kate Griffiths has had some amazing conversations in the last week about purpose, passion and business and how people spend their time. She distils the essence of them as a way to start a conversation around paying it forward, now
Which two Cs need to underpin your business strategy?
This article starts to explain why Whole Self Leadership values connection and collaboration over most concepts when writing the long term strategy for your business. A couple of months ago, a guy who had been introduced to me by a colleague
So why should you care about being a conscious business?
In this article Kate Griffiths explores further what it means to be a new paradigm/ conscious business owner today. She is passionate about this as she senses this is what the world is desperate for and she sees it as
From solopreneur to new paradigm entrepreneur: the way to flow
In this article Kate Griffiths shows that it is no longer enough to be creative and have ideas to become a successful entrepreneur. The way to differentiate yourself and get ahead is to become a new paradigm entrepreneur. This requires