I used to be very impatient rushing at things or charging headlong like the Taurean bull that I am and even now I experience that at times. Afterwards I would wonder why everything lay in ruins around me. According to Richard Rudd, founder of the Gene Keys,
Gratitude is the foundation to abundance
I chose this photo by Howie R on Unsplash because the card is being held by a black cocker spaniel that could almost be my dog. I now have daily Benji breaks which bring me so much joy and are
What gifts does fear bring?
Fear is an emotional state; one of 6 core emotions, and when using Robert Plutchik’s flower model of emotions, fear branches to terror, apprehension, and isolation. When you break down emotions this way it not only gives you a more extensive vocabulary
How do you stop exam nerves becoming exam anxiety?
At some point I bet you felt that sense of fear that comes from having to sit an exam at school or university. That’s normal but for some it goes so much deeper than that. I was a grade A
Wellbeing at work: the key to business success
In this article Kate Griffiths explains why wellbeing is not just a nice to have but an essential in any organisation that wants to succeed and sustain their success. She explores new scientific evidence that shows how stress can kill