You know that if life is running smoothly then you can feel in flow and yet in a nano second all that can change and you can feel overwhelmed by what lies in front of you. One of the traps
Are you in the red?
How are you finding the transition into September? When I think of it, the energy that comes to mind is industrious and interestingly I have had a number of conversations recently with clients where the common theme is how busy they are. And I expect this
How are you feeling about the current level of chaos?
Talking to quite a few of my clients over the last week I have become increasingly aware of the presence of a very challenging energy right now. Does it feel like more than a month of the new year has passed already
What gifts does fear bring?
Fear is an emotional state; one of 6 core emotions, and when using Robert Plutchik’s flower model of emotions, fear branches to terror, apprehension, and isolation. When you break down emotions this way it not only gives you a more extensive vocabulary
What makes crises so difficult to navigate?
In August 2011 I found myself in a Polish hospital which was scary enough because all I could say in Polish was hello and can I have a beer. I was bleeding profusely and was told I would need to
How do you stop exam nerves becoming exam anxiety?
At some point I bet you felt that sense of fear that comes from having to sit an exam at school or university. That’s normal but for some it goes so much deeper than that. I was a grade A
What stops you speaking your truth?
When I was young if my father spoke quietly with me and said he was disappointed in me, it had a very powerful effect. I could feel the full weight of his disappointment and felt awful for letting him down.
How do I know whether someone I love has a mental health issue?
In 2011 public awareness of the importance of mental health got greater awareness when Antonio Horta-Osorio, the Lloyds bank CEO, took eight weeks off with the consent of the board. Anxiety over the precarious position of the bank was affecting