I am not a hermit, however much there are times I long for that depth of silence. I live in a small village community and more than ever I recognise that my every action will either unite or divide that
8 tips on how to handle conflict more effectively
This weekend I experienced a profound shift and it was as if there were a number of light bulbs going off as the “aha” moments flooded in. The first thing I wanted to do was to get this post up
How do wholeness, belonging and connection relate to business?
Being whole is incredibly challenging because it requires you to accept all of who you are not just the bits that you believe others will like or the parts of your life that appear to be successful. So often we
Anger: a short-term release, unsustainable long-term
In this article, Kate Griffiths debunks some of the myths around rage and share some tips on how to manage your anger. In essence it is all about emotional mastery and who wouldn’t want that. Over the last couple of
What are you really saying?
Don’t waste a good crisis. You can apply that to situations that backfire on you in that they are great opportunities to learn. This week I want to share how conscious communication is only possible when you get out of
Death and rebirth: vital phases for any growing business
In this article Kate Griffiths shares a story about transition and offers strategies on how to manage it. She writes from the perspective of a small business owner, where you are your business. Daunting though change can be, remember order
Four metres up: an unexpected lesson in leadership
In this article Kate Griffiths shares how leadership comes in many forms and sometimes from unexpected sources. This is a true story of what happened on her holiday this summer and what she learnt when she pushed herself beyond her limits.
What’s your story? Is it about surviving or thriving?
In this article, Kate Griffiths explores how stories shape the world we live in; how some of them are ones that we consciously weave and others are much less conscious. To some extent it depends on what you choose to believe.
How to create conversations that lead to change
In this article, Kate Griffiths shares some of the steps you need to take to create the space for deep connection within conversation that can bring about huge shifts in organisations and individuals. One of the keys to success as
How polite rituals can stifle conversation
In today’s article, Kate Griffiths explores some of the elements that build barriers to deep connection in conversation and why that is. She also shows how you can turn this around and get so much gold. I was at