Tolstoy once said If, then, I were asked for the most important advice I could give, that which I considered to be the most useful to the men of our century, I should simply say: in the name of
How are you feeling about the current level of chaos?
Talking to quite a few of my clients over the last week I have become increasingly aware of the presence of a very challenging energy right now. Does it feel like more than a month of the new year has passed already
Forgiveness: the key to creating the future that all our hearts yearn for
What does orange mean? That’s what I was asked recently by someone I met who had fallen in love with the colour. And my favourite anecdote of all was what happened when I was sharing with a new contact that
How do you help a loved one in pain?
On Sunday morning I felt like the walking dead because I had only had about 5 hours sleep. As you know the best way to increase your resilience is to get a good night’s sleep. So what happened? Before I
The thinker without a paradox is like a lover without feeling: a paltry mediocrity
It really feels as if there has been a shift and we are starting to come out of this cocoon energetically and on the 3D plane. Speaking to friends they are arranging to see people this weekend. This is wonderful
What gifts does fear bring?
Fear is an emotional state; one of 6 core emotions, and when using Robert Plutchik’s flower model of emotions, fear branches to terror, apprehension, and isolation. When you break down emotions this way it not only gives you a more extensive vocabulary
Expanded awareness comes when you see fear for what it is
One of the ways people control their fears is by keeping busy. It’s a way to block out the pain and confusion but you can end up in overwhelm if you persist with such a strategy. And you never experience
Keeping grounded in lockdown
Today I was supposed to be running the third of four workshop for coaches, counsellors and holistic therapists that want to dive deeper into their practice. Instead I am offering it online – adaptability is a key watch word in
Response to the Covid-19 pandemic
Initially when I saw all the information in the media about Coronavirus I was very sceptical because it felt like scare mongering. However the more I read from sources that I trust, the more I find myself feeling the need
What’s stopping you from getting your message out there?
When I started my business over 7 years ago, a marketing coach who I followed at the time told me I needed to be more visible. And at that point with very little confidence, her suggestion filled me with dread.